Thursday, October 1, 2020

Choices Application Window is Now Open (But You May Want to Wait)

 The 2021-2022 Choices application is now available at The deadline to apply is November 13, 2020.

But wait! If you haven't read my bookLAUSD Magnets Handbook: A Guide to Getting Your Child into an LAUSD Magnet School, you may want to do so first. It's a very short book that's packed full of information you need to apply wisely and maximize your child's chances of getting into the magnet school of your choice (whether that's this year, or in the future and you're just after wait list points).

I just updated the book for the 2021-2022 Choices application, and am waiting for Amazon to tell me the version available for purchase is live. So keep an eye out here (or on Facebook) and I'll let you know when to hit the buy button. The book is just $2.99, because I wanted to make it affordable for everyone - even though this is information you won't find anywhere else in such a comprehensive, understandable way.

Good luck!

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